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Do you have a story within you, waiting to be told? Whether it's a tale that whispers or a concept that shouts, bringing it to life can be a thrilling yet challenging journey. You're not alone, and together, we can turn your dream into a beautifully crafted reality.

Writing a book, be it fiction or memoir, is no small feat. It can feel like you're preparing for an incredible leap – exhilarating but daunting. But fear not; as your guide, I'm here with the expertise and support you need (plus that metaphorical spare parachute).

I'm Stuart, an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach, uniquely skilled in transforming embryonic ideas into gripping narratives. My approach isn't just about refining words; it's about nurturing your voice and vision, crafting a story that's quintessentially yours.

I offer specialised coaching across a range of genres, each with a unique blend of services tailored to your story's needs:

  • Fiction: Whether you're crafting a sweeping historical epic, weaving romance that ignites the heart, or captivating young minds in YA and New Adult, I'm here to support your journey. My focus lies in character development, plot structuring, and bringing your imaginative world to life.

  • Memoir: Your life story deserves a voice that's both compelling and relatable. I specialise in shaping personal experiences into narratives that resonate deeply with readers, ensuring your story isn't just told, but felt.

If you find yourself staring at a blank page or navigating a maze of ideas, it's time to make a change. Let's work together to embark on your journey to authorship. Your story is waiting to be read by the world, and I'm here to help you make that happen.

Ready to turn the page on your writing journey? Contact me today, and let's start crafting your story.

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Develop and write your manuscript.

Story Development: This is the foundation-building stage where you develop the blueprint or outline of their book. It's all about structuring and planning the narrative or content.

1:1 Coaching: Feedback and coaching sessions on your pages as you write your manuscript. This involves ongoing support and guidance during the writing process, ensuring that you stay on track and receive regular feedback. This service is reserved for clients who have completed the Story Development package.


Polish and perfect your manuscript.

Manuscript Evaluation: A comprehensive assessment of your completed manuscript, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. This evaluation is critical for refining and elevating the quality of your work.

3D Revision: This service focuses on deep, dimensional revisions, enhancing the depth, dynamics, and detail of your manuscript.


Present your work to the world, whether to agents or publishers.

Pitch Package Development: Crafting a compelling pitch package is crucial for catching the attention of agents and publishers. This service helps you create a ranked agent list, persuasive query letter and any other materials needed to effectively pitch your book.

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Home: About Me


With a rich tapestry of experiences spanning 26 years in theatre, broadcast media, and coaching, I've cultivated a deep-rooted understanding of storytelling and its powerful narrative structures. My journey began with a childhood fascination for comic books, TV, and movies, blossoming into an avid exploration of diverse literature. This early love of stories wasn't just a pastime; it laid the foundation for my lifelong dedication to the art of storytelling.

My academic and professional pursuits, including an MA in Professional Writing, underscore my commitment to mastering the craft. This dedication is not just academic; it's personal. My own writing achievements, such as my debut novel "Body of Water" being long-listed for the Polari First Book Prize, and "Behind the Seams" reaching the semifinals of the 2021 BookLife Fiction Prize Contest from over 900 entries, reflect my understanding of what it takes to create compelling narratives that captivate audiences. The upcoming airing of my first TV show on the UK's Channel 4 marks another milestone in my diverse storytelling career.

It's this eclectic background that sparked my interest in coaching. Throughout my education and career, I've been the go-to person for manuscript reviews, known for feedback that resonates and enlightens. My personal journey as a writer, familiar with the hurdles and triumphs of the process, fuels my desire to support others. As an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach, I bring a unique blend of personal experience, professional expertise, and genuine passion for storytelling to the table. My goal is to guide aspiring writers in crafting narratives that are not only vibrant and compelling but also deeply meaningful.

I believe that with the right support and guidance, writing a novel can be a fulfilling and less daunting journey. My focus is on helping writers infuse their stories with rich characters, dynamic momentum, and significant depth. Let's embark on this journey together; with a coach who understands not just the mechanics, but the heart and soul of storytelling, your writing adventure is bound to be an extraordinary one.

Home: Testimonials

No exaggeration - Stuart is a magician and I cannot rate him highly enough. He always knows the way around a problem and has helped me take my pitch package from a tangled mess of insecurity and procrastination, to something that, dare I say it, actually feels like the real deal.

Eira Morgan-Harrisskitt, Manuscipt Evaluation, YA Fantasy

I have been recognised as one of the Top Book Coaches by Coach Foundation.

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As an Author Accelerator Book Coach:

  • I'm a guiding editor, mentor, and enthusiast: Armed with the skills to assist you through any phase of your writing journey.

  • I'm a conduit for creative exploration: With my training, I amplify clarity and direction.

  • I'm a steadfast collaborator: My dedication often sees me partnering with writers over extended periods, ensuring regularity and responsibility.

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